Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Awesome business, quality products, and a great family owns and runs it!

John U

Love the guys at Canal Street!!! They're so helpful and easy to talk to, great advice, they know their products!!! Thanks guys!

Deborah T.
New Orleans

The entire Helm Paint Team is great. They have matched paint for me, educated me on the differences in paint, and even did all of the blinds in my home. I highly recommend Helm Paint & Helm Decorating.

Cheryl B.
New Orleans

The employees at Helm paint couldn't have been more helpful...especially Burnie, Wadell and Stacy. We recently built a house and all of the paint was purchased at Helm. Stacy also helped me pick out every color...interior and exterior. Stacy's husband, Joe Helm, custom mixed the stain for my front doors and stairs at one location and delivered it to another so it would be more convenient for me to pick up. I also purchased my plantation shutters from Helm. I LOVE them. Jay installed them throughout the house in one day and he was great to work with. My husband and I built our house over 6 months and were in Helm paint almost everyday. We never had a bad experience. I don't know how we could have built our house without them!

Shannon F.
New Orleans
Contact Information
Helm Paint
8180 Earhart Blvd
New Orleans, LA 70118

Phone: 504-861-8179
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